Feb 3, 2021Liked by Iris

More an experience than a person, but I would kill to walk into a bar or restaurant and be pleasantly surprised by a live band. Of course, I want to destroy my lungs and ear drums at a huge concert, but there's something so delightful about sitting with my friends at a high top table while four dudes play covers of 70s yacht rock. Or walking into a club expecting to hear a DJ play the same top 40 remixes (don't get me wrong, would still dance my ass off), and instead see a full band warming up with "Stacy's Mom". Nearly impossible to replicate the excitement of the live band experience virtually!

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I miss attractive strangers. It used to be really thrilling to brush hands with the hot barista or create a mini romance about the person I ended up next to on the metro. That type of in the moment yearning is totally gone now and it’s hard to stage a mental meet cute when you can’t see someone’s face!! I miss having a crush on someone for all 20 minutes of my commute and then forgetting about them immediately after.

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Iris

I truly miss casual acquaintances so much. I’m not one to remember names very easily, so it was always sort of a stressful situation being at an intimate pregame or house party and spotting someone whose name I should fully remember because it quickly becomes apparent that they fully remember mine. However, like many things in the current world, I now miss that sort of rush! The situation could either turn into an awkward encounter through which you can only tug at your collar, chuckle, and try to get your friends’ attention to save you, or it could parlay into a really great new friend! Either way it felt like a main character moment, but the stakes were always low — you could sort of play a caricature of yourself if you wanted. Oh to be perched awkwardly on a stranger’s couch figuring out how to play the drinking game while avoiding names...

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